disjunctive|disjunctives in English


[dis'junc·tive || -ktɪv]

(Grammar) conjunction that expresses an oppositional relationship between two items (i.e. "or" in the phrase "one or the other")

Use "disjunctive|disjunctives" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "disjunctive|disjunctives" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "disjunctive|disjunctives", or refer to the context using the word "disjunctive|disjunctives" in the English Dictionary.

1. As adjectives the difference between disjunctive and Conjunctive is that disjunctive is not connected; separated

2. Disjunctive words coexistence refers to two disjunctive words being used in a sentence.

3. Disjunctive is an antonym of Conjunctive

4. Conjunctive is an antonym of disjunctive

5. Categoricalness implies another property which he called it disjunctive.

6. Hypothetical plus disjunctive inference takes hypothetical proposition and disjunctive proposition as its premises, out which 12 inference models may be produced.

7. Such a non-natural concept is disjunctive.

8. In contextlogiclang=en terms the difference between disjunctive and Conjunctive is that disjunctive is (logic) a disjunction while Conjunctive is (logic) of or relating to logical conjunction

9. Because you let me have that kind of disjunctive felling.

10. Asyndeta may be resolved into four classes—conjunctive, disjunctive, " 3

11. One virtue of clustering is that it can often invent disjunctive ones.

12. This model is in a special form called disjunctive normal form ( DNF ).

13. Because you let me have that kind of not to think a disjunctive felling.

14. “Or”, Conjunctive or Disjunctive? Posted by ducati998 under law, legislation [2] Comments

15. Michael Whittle's art concerning biology records the disjunctive dialogue between mind and nature.

16. The disjunctive proposition has two aspects of independence of two important cornerstones for logic inference.

17. The unaccented (conjunctive) forms are referred to as verbal Clitics or affixes, and the disjunctives occur only as heads of prepositional phrases

18. Compound Forms/Forme composte: Inglese: Italiano: disjunctive Allegation n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc

19. There are many cases in law, where the Conjunctive and is used for the disjunctive or and vice versa

20. There are many cases in law, where the Conjunctive and is used for the disjunctive or, and vice versa.

21. Context example: the Adversative conjunction 'but' in 'poor but happy' Similar: disjunctive (serving or tending to divide or separate)

22. This disjunctive, unfinished quality challenges readers to establish an order which the text does not entirely provide for them.

23. The application of disjunctive syllogism is indispensable to investigation, which has been proved by investigation practice for a long time.

24. The application of disjunctive syllogism contributes to the judgment of the nature of a case, reduction of investigation areas, and proof of investigation suppositions.

25. Adversative: 1 adj expressing antithesis or opposition “the Adversative conjunction `but' in `poor but happy'” Synonyms: oppositive disjunctive serving or tending to divide or separate